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The Honors Transfer Council of California
Proudly Announces

The 24th Annual

Building Bridges

Research Conference

At UC Riverside

UApril 20th, 2024
UCR Confernce Registration Link (now closed)
Link to 2024 HTCC Conference Student Guide

Download UCR Campus Map


The conference registraion will take place in the Highlander Union Building (HUB) and presentations will take place in both the HUB and the Student Success Center (SSC). Parking is located at P1 and P24. Directions for registering your vehicle for free parking was sent out in an email. You can register your car in advance. Contact you Honors Director for the parking link.


Event Information

HTCC's annual  conference gives community college honors students the opportunity to present their academic work.  We invite research-based presentations, posters, and creative performances reflecting inquiry into the humanities, sciences, arts, social sciences, and pre-professional programs; we also welcome results of research into the honors experience.


Awards and Publication Opportunities

Having your work accepted for presentation makes you eligible not only for monetary awards but also for publication in the HTCC anthology Building Bridges

Presentation Types
  • Research Poster: Research posters displayed physically at UC Riverside. 

  • Individual Oral: 10-12-minute presentations in breakout rooms at UCR.

  • Group Oral: 20-minute panel presentation by two or more presenters breakout rooms at the UCR Conference Center.

  • Performance: Student-created art, music, creative writing, drama, dance performed and incorporating an explicit research component

Important Note:

You may present in up to two events if they are in two different categories:

  • oral presentation or performance (individual or group)

  • poster (individual or group)


© 2023 Honors Transfer Council of California.

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